DIK to Zuming Primary School
These photos are from the recent distribution of DIK early this month to Zuming Primary School. The club donated 25 small students table, 25 Elementary
These photos are from the recent distribution of DIK early this month to Zuming Primary School. The club donated 25 small students table, 25 Elementary
A Meet-and-Greet event was held at the Lae Botanical Garden’s on Sunday 18th February to kick start the 2018 Mentoring Program. 6 Mentees selected from
Despite the long distance, rugged mountainous terrain and fast flowing rivers, villagers who live along the banks of the Mami and Mangiang Rivers in Umi
On a recent Rotary trip to the Yambo elementary and Junior schools by a number of members with a twofold purpose of inspecting the results
Presentation at Bubia school for the delivery of the 25 desks, NCI donated Transport trucking. Very well received. Attending were Gary S – Mr President,
Members of the Rotary Club of Lae Huon Gulf deliver much needed medical supplies and books to the Boana Health Centre. In terms of time
It was exciting, last Saturday (weekend) morning to see school children come in their best teams for the school soccer tournament. TISOL has been facilitating
Busu Secondary School It was another exciting atmosphere at the two of the schools in the city to both students and staff during the presentation
With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.